Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Abyss Within: Chapter One

Melissa felt heavenly as she sipped her apple martini. The music boomed throughout the room, as her body swayed to the rhythm. With her tall figure and blonde hair, her tan skin, and the fact that she had legs for days ensured that all eyes were on her as she sipped her drink and danced, her movements were angelic. She grinned and shook her head, thinking about how often people had said she resembled some model with the last name Swann. If only she could have the job that bitch had, Melissa thought to herself as she moved through the crowd on the dance floor of Club Electric, the hottest club in all of New York.
The walls seemed to move along with her. Putting her hands up in the air and waving them like she just didn’t care, listening to what the music told her, Melissa wanted tonight to be a good night. She had gone out with her friends, who had formed a circle around her, all of them getting their so called groove on. Melissa had just gotten out of a lengthy relationship and was ready to live life on the wild side. She felt that she had gone to college, gotten a career as a nurse, and had been making killer money, so it seemed like everything was going right for her except things in the love department.
The music stopped for a few moments and Melissa looked at her friend, Tiffany. Tiffany wasn’t nearly as attractive as Melissa nor as successful, but she had love in her life. Hell, Melissa thought, I’m surprised Tiffany was able to come out tonight, “I need to pee…” Melissa shouted, due to the seemingly never ending ringing going through her ears. Tiffany grinned at her through damp strands of black hair. Melissa smiled back before making her way to the bathroom. Sadly, there was a line.
“Fuck…” Melissa uttered to herself. She looked around, her eyes darting towards the bar in search of men. She didn’t care if they looked single or not. She knew what she wanted and it was only one thing at this point in her life. She was ready to dabble in sin. Melissa eyed the line once more and it didn’t seem to be going anywhere, so she headed to the bar, with the hope that she’d meet a guy and he’d take her home and she would be able to use their bathroom before fucking their brains out. She needed a release in more ways than one Melissa reminded herself as she took a seat at the bar. All eyes were still on her it seemed.
Eyes had been on her all night. She recalled that creepy fucker that tried talking to her outside. He couldn’t get into the club but tried to get back in line with her. He was just some shaggy looking dope that Melissa wouldn’t give the time of day even if she was the last woman on Earth and he the only man left.
She wanted better.
Felt she deserved better.
And according to Melissa, she would have better. Much better.
“Buy you a drink?” The voice sounded just as sexy as the face the lips belonged to which Melissa discovered as she turned to her right. He was tall, dark, and handsome and his name was, “William. What’s your name?”
“That depends,” Melissa purred, “Are you still going to buy me a drink?”
William chuckled, “I was actually hoping you would buy me one. Figured we could have some sort of role reversal going on,” the steel blue eyed hottie said with a mischievous grin. He had just the right amount of scruff on his face that she wanted to feel against her body, tickling all over, especially downstairs. The thought made her plump and red glossed lips spread into a grin of her own. William shook his head, still maintaining that smile, “What’s so funny?”
Melissa shrugged, “Oh nothing.”
“Oh, it’s definitely something,” he fired back, taking a step closer, which caused a jolt of excitement to rush through Melissa’s body, “So, why don’t you tell me what it is?”
His calm and cool tone caused the heat to rise within Melissa. She scoffed before taking a step closer as well and before she knew it, her fingers had gripped his belt, pulling him even closer, “I don’t think it would mean as much if I told you here. Maybe,” she said, looking up at William, giving him a look of seduction, “We should talk about it somewhere else.”
William looked down at her hands then locked eyes with Melissa once again, “Your place or mine?”
The thought intrigued Melissa but then that intrigue died down, “Fuck.”
Shaking her head, Melissa stated, “I rode with my friends.”
“I have a car. We can go to my place if you’d prefer. You can spend the night. Hell, I will even cook you breakfast before taking you home. No problem,” William said, ever so confidently.
Melissa stood there, knowing she was going to say yes no matter what. She wanted to see how bad he wanted it. William stood there while she appeared to mull it over. She was more than okay with him just taking her to the car and having his way with her, but part of her felt that would be just a little too slutty. Melissa reminded herself that she was better than that. Staring into his eyes once more she said, “Let me just tell my friends…”
Melissa went to step away but William grabbed her wrist, his grip a combination of delicacy and forcefulness. Either way, she liked it which could be seen on her face as they locked eyes, the grin on both of their faces, “You’re a grown ass woman. You don’t have to tell anyone anything. Except for me.”
“And what do I have to tell you?”
“What to do and what not to do,” William replied.
Nothing else was said. The electricity between them spoke for them. Before Melissa knew it, William was leading her through the crowd and out of the back door, into the parking lot. As soon as the door closed, William had her pressed against the wall and his lips met hers. The heat continued to rise mixing in with the heat making its presence known between her thighs, his fingertips working in ways she had never felt as they became sticky.
“Do you like that?”
Catching her breath as he slowed the movements, “Don’t stop…don’t stop…”
She felt her body going there, ready to let go but William stopped and stepped away, that smile still on his muscular face, “Let’s get you home and out of that dress.”
“Why did you stop?”
“Just to tease you, baby…” William said, extending his hand. Melissa took it and followed him through the parking lot. She felt on top of the world. Getting the attention she wanted and hopefully the fuck of her life. Her ex never showed her this sort of attention and he was terrible in bed. William looked like he could satisfy all of her needs and then some. Hell, Melissa thought, maybe I won’t go home.
“This is it…” William said before opening the passenger side door to his chromed out Escalade and helping Melissa inside. He winked at her before closing the door. He headed to the back as Melissa saw in the rearview. She then leaned a little so her reflection covered the mirror as she began to straighten her hair, double checking to ensure she was still as sexy as she felt. Combing her hair back, ensuring her make-up was still on point, she breathed a sigh of relief and then, the driver side door opened and quickly closed.
Finishing her self-assessment, Melissa smirked at her reflection before looking over as she asked, “What took you…” Her throat went dry as chills ran up and down her spine instantly. He turned and locked eyes with Melissa and she struggled to catch her breath.
“You…chose…him…over me?” His voice was like gravel. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly and were gloved, “I tried to be nice. That is all I wanted to do was be nice to you, but you had to be a whore and a bitch. And you chose him over me!”
Trying to fight panic mode, Melissa coughed and caught her breath, “I don’t know what you’re talking about but you need to get out of here…”
“Or what? Your fuck boy will hurt me? He isn’t going to do anything. Ever…again,” he said, a grin on his face as his tongue glided over his top teeth, almost like fangs, “I don’t get it. People always seem to think that they have some sort of intimidating protector when they really don’t. And of course, women…they try to act tough these days because of all those movements going on in our society. Women are still delicate little flowers. That is truth you and I share. I am bigger than you. Compared to me you are a fragile bag of bones…which,” he hissed before scooting closer to Melissa. Her hand reached for the handle, but his hand grabbed hers and pulled her close as he said, “I am going to enjoy breaking…one,” the snap echoed in her ears, followed by her screams of agony, drowning out his next words, “by one…”


New York City was covered in a blanket of oncoming winter as James Evans rose from his slumber. Being a world class athlete wore on his body as he moved further along into his thirties, so he enjoyed the feel of his own bed. He leaned over and kissed the shoulder of his beautiful wife, Braelynn before climbing out of bed and heading into the kitchen, putting on a pot of coffee. He needed it, because despite loving the feel of his own bed, he didn’t sleep well the night before. His dreams were filled with the presence of Dustin Parker, the young man James wanted to get to know and to make a positive impact on his life, but Dustin ended it before James had the chance to do any of that.

As the coffee brewed, James flipped on the television and the news came on. He immediately turned it off as a news story involving a missing woman appeared. Dustin dying from an overdose made James want to do all he could in order to avoid the never ending stream of negativity in the world. He knew it wasn’t exactly possible, but James will still going to do his best. He poured himself a cup of coffee and after finishing it, James went into his homemade gym where he pushed his body as hard as he could. He had to keep in the best shape possible as he spent a lot of time on TV.

James spent a lot of time slamming his fists and landing roundhouse kicks to the heavy bag, doing all that he could to vent the frustration that seemed to fester up throughout the day in regards to Dustin and James wishing he could have done more. As he had told the boy’s social worker, James wanted Dustin to know he gave a shit. He landed a few more strikes to the heavy bag then proceeded to lift weights, with each lift becoming heavier, as his mind slowly began to shift from Dustin to the actual workout.

Working out had sort of become a saving grace for James, as he had suffered from his own mental health issues in the past, as so many had come to know. It kept his mind balanced when it was once fragile, pushing to the absolute brink of madness. Dustin’s release was drugs sadly. James had hoped to take the kid to the gym in hopes of him finding a new release. In hopes of him finding something much more positive.

Once his workout was complete, James took a rather lengthy shower, letting the hot water hit his stiff muscles, slightly relaxing them and easing the oncoming soreness. He cleaned his face thoroughly but for his own reasons. So many other athletes he worked with cared so much about their appearance, that they did all they could to mask how terrible they were as human beings. James just wanted to take care of himself for his wife as well as his little girl. He wasn’t doing it to brag or get attention.

He didn’t want to be plastic like most of his coworkers. He wanted to be real. James couldn’t help but hope that Dustin saw that.

He cracked a few eggs and made some omelets, as James felt a very familiar warmth wrap around him in the form of his wife’s arms. Braelynn leaned up and kissed him on the back of his neck, “Morning babe. Something smells good?”

James cracked a grin, “Well I did just take a shower.”

“I meant the food,” Braelynn stated as James turned and faced her. Their lips met a few more times, “Why did you get up so early?”James let out a sigh and shook his head. Braelynn sighed as well, realizing the answer to her question, “Dustin?”

James nodded, “Yeah. Still haven’t come close to really shaking it.”

“It’s going to take some time, babe. You just can’t let it destroy you, James. You’re too good of a person and that hasn’t changed despite what happened.”

James nodded, slightly shrugging his shoulders, feeling the tightness in his muscles from his work out earlier, plus the feeling of guilt and sadness that seemed to resonate within him, “I know you’re right. Deep down, I know you’re right. And I know I will work through this. Like you said, it’ll take time and trust me…” James spoke as he looked down at his feet. He paused as his gaze met hers, “If I could speed things up, I would. Hell, if I could go back in time somehow, I wouldn’t have let him out of my sight…” James’ voice trailed off once again as he looked away, quietly catching his breath, “I am going to be alright...right?”

Braelynn kissed James on his forehead, “Yes,” James looked at his wife once again and they shared a smile, “Have you thought about talking to someone about it? Like your therapist or anything? I don’t know how much it would help but it could be worth a shot.”

“I’ve actually thought about that,” James said with a nod, “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the good doctor but it might be time to get reacquainted.”

Braelynn grabbed James’ phone off of the kitchen counter, handing to him, “Give him a call. It could do you some good.”

James nodded and took his phone, “Maybe you’re right. I’ve just been a fan of doctors. He’s helped me in the past but it always took a lot for me to go. I guess old habits do die hard.”

“You’re only stopping yourself, babe.”

“Fine,” James said, trying to smile through his sigh, “Have some breakfast,” James said, motioning towards the eggs as he walked into the living room, dialing the number to Dr. Vaughn’s office. Except, as he pressed buttons, he heard a voice calling out.


James paused for a moment before placing the phone to his ear, “Hello?”

“James, what the hell are you doing? It’s a little early for you to be calling sex hotlines, don’t you think?”

As soon as James heard the words, he knew the voice they belonged to automatically, “Drake Stephens...what can I do for you?”

Drake, a private detective that Braelynn has hired to find James’ missing father, chuckled ever so arrogantly into the phone before replying, “Well, as long as you pay me on time, we should be good. I figured I’d call to give you some updates.”

James sighed, hating every second wasted on the phone with the guy despite agreeing to let him search for his father because he knew Braelynn was only trying to help, “I’ve not missed a payment yet and I don’t foresee that happening anytime soon.”

Another chuckle shot through the other end of the phone, “Well you never know James. Doing what you do...injuries happen all of the time. Your career and your money could be taken from you with a snap of your fingers or your neck.”

Not wanting to listen any longer, James cut Drake off before he could continue his seemingly never ending stream of bullshit, “How about those updates, Drake? That’s what you called about, correct?”

“That’s right,” Drake said, as James pictured him staring at himself in the mirror, admiring his reflection and flashing his toothy grin, “I’m back in the city. I got a couple of leads...lots from information from that shit hole in North Carolina that you used to call home…”

James felt stunned for a moment or two, “You’re back in the city…” Still stunned, James replayed Drake’s words over in his head. He found leads? How and more importantly, from whom? “So, you’re telling me that my father may be here as well?”

“Correcto mundo, James my boy!” Drake shouted into the phone, “While you were spending your time going crazy,” James grinded his teeth at the verbal shot Drake fired at his past mental mental issues, “Your dear old father was probably here all along and you just didn’t know it.”

“Well in that case...do your job and keep digging. I mean that is what you’re getting paid to do, right?” Before Drake could respond, James ended the call. He took a deep breath, acknowledging that he really didn’t like the detective but that he wasn’t worth getting upset over. After calming himself, James redialed the number to his therapist’s office and spoke with reception. Once the call ended, he returned to the kitchen.

Munching down what appeared to be the remainder of an omelet, Braelynn looked up at him and flashed him a half grin, “Are you alright, babe?”

James exhaled deeply and gave a shrug of the shoulders, “I got an appointment in an hour with Dr. Vaughn which is good because I spoke with Drake.”

A slight curiosity filled his wife’s eyes, “Oh? What did he say?”

“He thinks my father is here...in the city…” James stated, his voice trailing off once again.

Braelynn made her way towards him, “Are you okay? I know that’s some pretty big fucking news.”

James scoffed, “Like I said, it’s probably a good thing I’m going to see Dr. Vaughn. I’ve got a lot on my plate all of a sudden, but then again, that is the story of my life for the most part I’m afraid.”

“Yeah but you have me to help sort through all of the shit on your plate. I wouldn’t be a good wife if I wasn’t there for me,” Braelynn said, hugging James. He hugged her back instantly, “Just remember what I’ve said. You’re going to get through this. From what you’ve told me of your past, you’re strong enough to handle anything thrown your way.”

Holding her close, James did his best to hide the smile forming on his face as he said, “I hope you’re right.”

“I usually am,” his wife said.

“Using my words against me, I see,” James said, pulling back as their embrace ended. She smirked at him before something else caught James’ attention, “Babe, did you eat my breakfast?”

“Let’s not make this about me. This is about you,” Braelynn stated, giving her own mischievous grin, “Besides, I’m sure you need to get going since you’ve got an appointment to get to.”

“You’re such a shit,” he replied.

Her grin remained as she said, “And yet you love me.”

Grabbing his jacket, James spoke once more before making his exit from their apartment, “I do.”

The cold rushed through the city and met James with open arms as he made his way through the crowd, as they all swarmed the sidewalks and city streets like busy worker ants before he finally reached the subway. He paid his toll and took a seat before the train took off. He felt a lot of eyes on him which wasn’t unusual given his career path. James was a recognizable face and he would typically give a nod or a smile and a wave. He’d sign autographs if asked to do so. Before his ride ended, he signed five before bolting from the train and up the stairs, meeting the city once again. It was all enough to take his mind off of Dustin and the potential of his father being so close, but that relief didn’t last nearly as long as James had hoped. He reached Vaughn’s office and checked himself in. Being there gave him a slight chill as the last time he had seen Vaughn was when he had been discharged from the doctor’s mental health facility.

“James…” James looked up and saw Dr. Vaughn. The doctor looked weathered and much older than he truly was. James moved from his seat and followed Vaughn to the back area, finally taking a seat in his office. Once settled, they made eye contact as Vaughn asked, “How are you, James?”

“I’m not really sure how to answer that. I guess you could say that’s why I’m here,” James said in response.

Vaughn raised his eyebrows and nodded, “I see,” he combed his graying hair back. James figured it was from all the years of dealing with patients such as himself. Vaughn always received the most extreme cases, “Well James it’s been a long time since we’ve seen one another. Why don’t you tell me what’s gone in your life? Let’s start there.”

“Alright,” James said, throwing his arms up as if he were prepared to surrender, “I’ve built a strong relationship with my daughter. I recently got married.”

“Both positives, James,” Vaughn interjected, “Especially the marriage part as I remember you feeling very strongly that it wouldn’t happen.”

James recalled numerous sessions after Vaughn helped him escape the abyss he had found himself in for over a year. During those sessions, James stated how he felt he would never find love or experience it. James remembered thinking it was probably for the best in case the abyss returned and swallowed him whole, “Yes I can’t believe it either. I’ve tried to live my life the best way I know how and I’ve done the best I can to constantly focus on the positives.”

“That is a great practice to follow, James…” Vaughn acknowledged while taking notes, “But I get the sense that despite these positives, you’ve been hit pretty hard with some negatives. Would I be correct in that statement?”

James pictured Dustin. He pictured his father, using his last known memory of the man. He then looked at Vaughn and softly said, “Yes.”

“Tell me about them, James…” Vaughn said, as if he were encouraging James.

Clearing his throat, James asked himself if he wanted to go back down that road, the one that led him to Dustin and all of the questions of what could have been. He remembered his wife’s words before proceeding to tell Vaughn about Dustin.

He told him about the guilt. The frustration. How he wished he could change the past. James then drew a deep breath, feeling a little bit better but not nearly as much as he preferred. James licked his lips and shook his head before speaking again, “And then, there is the issue with my father.”

James noticed that Vaughn looked up from his notes, looking slightly alarmed, “Your father? I thought you said he was dead.”

“I’m just as perplexed as you if not more, doc..” James claimed, “The thought of him being dead seemed to stem from my time of madness. It seems that I am of my right mind, and most of what I thought or believed beforehand was all a lie. Or something created from my imagination.”

Vaughn nodded, “You mean when Abel was in control and you were battling him?”

“Yes,” James stated, trying his best to ignore any thought of Abel and his time of madness as he so put it, “But if my father is alive...should I be excited to see him? To meet him?”

Vaughn replied, “I can certainly see why you stated you had a lot on your plate, James. I’m glad you came in today. Are you still taking the appropriate medication?”

“Yes, of course.”

“You’re sure?”

James felt a little uncomfortable at how the doctor was trying to press the issue, “I said yes. Why do you ask?”

Vaughn placed his notepad down on his desk and got up from his seat, “You know why James. A lot of your so called trip into madness stemmed from past trauma and your mind’s way of handling such trauma as well as the stress that comes with it. I’d hate to see you go down that road again. The situation with this at risk youth as well as the possibility of seeing your father...the main reason behind all of your trauma...I can’t help be afraid of the heavy toll it may take on you.”

James lowered his gaze, his eyes meeting his feet for a few moments. He feared the same as Vaughn. He knew what could happen if he did lose control, allowing the madness to take over, “I know you’re right, doc. I worry about the same things but I’m still taking my meds as prescribed. I stick to the routine I’ve set for myself. I guess this will be the ultimate test. To see if I can truly remain sane so to speak.”

Vaughn nodded, indicating that every word resonated, “That’s good James. Keep your mind busy. If something makes you feel like you have to come here, I recommend confronting it head on first.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, have you considered working with at risk youth again?”

James nodded, “Yes. I have. I still want to. I just haven’t made an effort yet.”

Vaughn took a seat next to James as they locked eyes once more, “That is what I mean by confronting it. You have something blocking you from doing something else that you want to do. Confront that then move forward. Don’t let it linger. You can’t let it linger because the longer you do...You will end up being weighed down with regret.”

“Sounds like I’ll be questioning myself a lot if I do that...if I let it linger,” James said, knowing that he didn’t want to feel any regret whatsoever, “I’ll be asking myself what if more often than not.”

“Exactly,” Vaughn replied, “And from what you’ve said, you want to focus on the positives. In order to get that, you have to face and overcome the negatives.”

“I know you’re right but I’m not going to sit here and make it seem like it’ll happen over night.”

“Of course not, James, but you need to start moving forward instead of keeping yourself in this rut.”

Vaughn continued and James listened, taking the doctor’s words to heart and then their session ended. James thanked Vaughn before leaving the office. He repeated the therapist’s advice, as the session replayed in his mind, taking place of thoughts pertaining to Dustin or even James’ father. This continued before James happened to come back to reality, realizing where he was.

He was outside of the Youth Achieve building, the at risk youth organization where James had been introduced to Dustin. James felt a chill race down his back before repeating Vaughn’s words once more and entering the building.

He made his way down a hallway before finding himself at the office of Daniel Skreen. Daniel was the head guy with the organization and had set James on course to work with Dustin. Letting out a sigh before knocking, James heard Daniel’s soft spoken voice, “Come in.”

James stepped into the office and saw Daniel’s pudgy face light up, “Hello James. Pleasure to see you,” he said standing up at his desk and extending his hand.

James shook Daniel’s hand, “It is good to see you too, Daniel,” James said before both took a seat across from one another, “How are things? I know we haven’t spoken since what happened with Dustin.”

Daniel let out an exhausted sigh, “Yes. Things have slowly started to go back to normal I guess you could say. His loss was felt for quite some time I guess you could say. How are you? I wasn’t sure if you’d return.”

“To be honest,” James began, “I wasn’t sure if I would either. I mulled over it every single day. I went back and forth about it, telling myself I was going to continue only to tell myself I didn’t have it in me. Yet, here I am.”

“So, you want to continue then?”

James nodded, “Yes. I think the best way for me to forgive myself over Dustin is to give it another shot.”

Daniel nodded as well, “That is one of the best ways to look at it, James. We may not be able to save every kid we work with but there is always the chance we can make some sort of difference.”

“That is what Dustin’s social worker said when we went to see his parents,” James replied, recalling the dysmal scene at the apartment Dustin grew up in, “Maybe I will have better luck on the next go round.”

Daniel shrugged, “Its not a matter of luck. Just believing in yourself and doing all you can to help those we work with.”

“I was only trying to make light of the situation. As I told Dustin’s social worker, it is more about showing these kids that someone gives a damn about them. That’s what I want to do,” James stated, as matter of factly.

“It gives me great pride to hear you say that James,” Daniel said, “In knowing that, I have but one question. When would you like to start things again?”

James shrugged, “I guess now is as good a time as any. I have a feeling you already have a case in mind.”

Daniel replied, “You’d be correct. A new case actually.”

“Alright,” James nodded, “Give me the details.”

“Well,” Daniel started, “This kid is 20 years old. Fresh off the streets. We don’t know much about him other than what he’s told us.”

“Which is?”

“We don’t know where he is from exactly as he’s said his family traveled so much, that he himself has forgotten. Both of his parents are dead and he came to the city because it was the only place this young man knew of any remaining family.”

“Are they willing to help him out?” James asked, already feeling for the kid without meeting him.

Daniel shook his head, which caused James’ heart to hit his stomach, “Unfortunately no, according to what the young man said. He told me that they knew of his parents’ past and wanted nothing to do with him. It was an aunt and uncle. Their past scared the hell out of the aunt,” Daniel cleared his throat and the expression on his face showed the whole situation rubbed him the wrong way, “When I asked the boy about this past he spoke of and why it scared the aunt so much, he said he had no clue.”

“They sound like a couple of real winners, leaving this kid out on the street. Does he have any belongings?”

Daniel sighed, “All he has are the clothes on his back as well as a guitar and duffel bag. He used what money he had to get here in hopes of the aunt and uncle taking him in.”

“So, what do you need from me?”

“We are working towards getting him set up at a hotel. It’s just a matter of finding the appropriate funding,” Daniel stayed.

James shook his head, “No. Don’t worry about funding. I’ll foot the bill. I’ve got plenty of money, Daniel. It is the least I can do.”

“James, we can’t ask you to do that.”

“You’re not. I’m offering to do so. There is a big difference. I want to help any way that I can. This could be the start. Let me help. Please,” James said, trying to hide the fact he was pleading.

Daniel sensed James’ sincerity, knowing that he needed to do this. Daniel let out another sigh before nodding his head, “Alright James. If you really want to do so then you can. I, nor anyone else from our organization, will not try to stop you.”

“Thank you. I’ve got a good feeling about this, Daniel.”

“Would you like to meet this young man?”

“Absolutely. What is this kid’s name?”

Daniel lifted a Manila envelope from one of desk drawers. He fumbled through it for a few moments before removing a document. He scanned it then replied, “His name is Aidan Cross. Here is a photo,” Daniel said, handing James a picture, revealing that Aidan had black shaggy hair, shaggy facial hair, and wild green eyes.

James studied the photograph a few moments more before handing it back to Daniel, “Alright. Let’s meet this kid.”

Daniel then led James out of the office and down another long corridor. It reminded James of the day he met Dustin as the teen was shooting basketball, “Now is your friend...the redhead...is she going to work with you on this case?” Daniel asked as they turned down another hallway.

James shook his head from side to side, “No. Angelica had all that she could stomach with Dustin. That’s not to say she won’t work with us again,” James said, recalling his conversation with his friend Angelica Jones. He had talked her into working with at risk youth and the end result seemed to have done more harm than good. He didn’t blame Angelica for not continuing the work, “but for now she and I both believe it’s best she sit this one out.”

“Ah I see,” Daniel said, glancing at James over his shoulder before they stopped outside of another room, “This is our little recreational area. Some of the youth come here to socialize. We have gatherings with food and games,” Daniel explained as James stared into the room, seeing the back of a figure as it sat on a couch, eyes glued to the TV, “Well there he is, James.”

“That’s Aidan?” James asked, pointing at the seated figure. He turned to Daniel as he needed. James took a deep breath before Daniel opened the door to the recreational room and James stepped inside.

He made his way over to Aidan. He saw the kid wore a old and tattered camouflage jacket and as he made his way to the front, he saw Aidan up close and personal, looking exactly as he did in the photo. His clothes, a white T-shirt and wrinkled jeans, equipped with what appeared to be grass stains. Those wild green eyes looked away from the TV, meeting James’ gaze as he said, “You must be Aidan.”

He nodded, “Yeah that’s me. And you are?”

James took a knee, keeping eye contact with Aidan, “My name is James. Pleasure to meet you. I’m going to be working with you. As long as that is okay with you.”

Aidan shrugged, “If you can help me out man, I’m cool with it. I need a place to stay. Some fresh clothes.”

James nodded, “That’s what I’ve heard, Aidan. We are going to take care of all that. I’m going to help you get on your feet. We are going to head out into the city and find you a nice hotel to stay in. I’ll front the bill so no worries there.”

Aidan scoffed, “You’ve got that kind of money? You rich or something?”

James replied, “I do well. But that’s the thing about money, it ain’t coming with me when I die. If I can’t use it to help others then what’s the point?”

Aidan laughed, “Dude I can think of several things I can use money for. There is so much shit I’d like to have.”

“I can’t argue there. The money I make is good and trust me, I like to spoil myself from time to time. But right now, I want to spoil you. I’m talking luxury hotels man. Room service. The works, dude..” James said, feeling the happiest he had in awhile outside of his wedding day. He saw a smile form on Aidan’s face which made things even better, “So what do you say that we get out of here and get this show on the road?”

James climbed to his feet but Aidan looked to the side of him, “Hold on. I want to finish watching this,” he said as he pointed in the direction of the television mounted to the wall.

“What are you...watching?” James asked as he turned to look at the TV as well, “You’re watching the news? You actually like that crap? I’m sorry to call it that but most of it is in my opinion.”

“Some of it is...interesting,” Aidan said, keeping his focus on whatever news story flashing on the screen.

“What is so interesting about…” James pauses, as he looked closer at the TV. A picture of a woman was plastered all over it as the news anchors told the world what was going on. Her name was Melissa Everhart. Taking a second look at her picture, James recognized who she was. She was the young woman he had seen on the news earlier in the morning. At that time, as he was having his morning coffee, she had only been missing. But now the news story claimed something else. The anchors informed the viewing public that Melissa had been found brutally murdered in an alley on the other side of the city.

James then turned to face Aidan, “You find that…” James paused again, feeling unnerved to finish his question.

“Interesting?” Aidan asked, finishing it for James, “I do. I’ve always been interested in why someone would want to take the life of someone else. That’s what I want to go to school for once I get on my feet.”

James said nothing. He only nodded as he took a seat next to Aidan who continued watching as the news unfolded. James felt uneasy about the whole thing. Someone had died and given his past, which scared the hell out of him as well as many others, he hoped that it was just the city going into madness instead of him.

“Alright,” Aidan’s voice startled James as he faced him, “Are you ready to go?”

James looked at the TV and saw the news story had switched to something else. Something far less important as it always had been with the news. James then returned his attention to Aidan as he responded weakly, “Sounds good.”


It’s been awhile but I am once again a champion. I never thought I would reach this level again, especially given my past, but here I am. I am living proof that someone can change for the better and work towards a goal. I am living proof that goal can be realized and accomplished. That is why I am one half of the SCW World Tag Team Champions. Now, I know that this reign may not last as long as I’d like, and you can’t win them all, but that doesn’t mean I am not going to try my best.
I think about that phrase…my best. I have given my best here and there throughout my career, but I was never in my best state of mind. I had allowed the hate to consume me after I embraced it. I felt it was my only way, but all it did was make me a prisoner of my mind. I spent so much time trying to crawl out of that Hell, to fight back against the hate. It took me nearly two years to get back to my best self, my best mindset, but here I am. This is me at my best and I am only going to get better.
These aren’t words to make me out to be something I’m not. This isn’t me fighting to stay relevant. I’m an open book. If you want to know something about me, just ask and I will tell you. You don’t have to read about it online or catch it on TMZ. My entire return has shown just how relevant I am. At first, people didn’t accept it which I knew would happen and I understood why. But after everything with Ace, Cassidy, and Katelyn…the night Mr. D offered me a contract, the SCW universe showed that they were truly behind me. And that is why I will continue to give back to them.
I am not only a Tag Team Champion, but I am a champion of the people.
Now, I know I am not mixed up in the so called stable war at the top of the card, but that doesn’t mean I’m not paying attention. I’ve been involved in wars such as this before. I was there when New Eden took on SCW and tried to take full control. Back then, I was fighting anyone and everyone. Now, I am in control. Now, I know that the SCW is in good hands and I don’t mean with the Beauty Factory, or with Dark Fantasy. Probably not even with someone like Gio, but maybe crazy isn’t always a bad thing. If I am called upon to fight then I will be right there on the front lines, ready to go.
Just as I am going to be ready to go this week at Breakdown. Just as I was ready to go when I stepped inside the Elimination Chamber match for the first time at Under Attack. Just as I was ready to go at Bound by Blood when I fought to capture this championship draped across my shoulder. And at Bound by Blood, the world bore witness to two guys who had never truly faced off before. Of course, I’m talking about my upcoming opponent at Breakdown, none other than Andrew Raynes.
Did you see it, Andrew? Hell, did you feel it? When you and I went toe to toe, the world stood on their feet. They wanted to see us go at it. They wanted to see what you and I could do in the middle of the ring. And I know that you hit hard as hell. I know that you can do some damage in the ring. Despite the fact that I pinned you to win the Tag Team Championships of the World for Angelica and I…I know that the brief moments we were in the ring together…they were just the tip of the iceberg, man. I knew then as I know now, that we were just getting started.
At Breakdown, we have the chance to tear the house down, to give people more bang for their buck, which they damn sure deserve. You may not see it that way, which is fine. I know just how much hatred can blind a person because I’ve been there. And I’m not coming at you, sounding like a broken record. I know where you stand, just as you know where I stand. We are on opposite sides of the fence and I know we are both going to come out swinging. I know that we want this match to go our way, but in the end, it will either go to you or myself. I plan on fighting you straight up in order to pick up the win, and if it doesn’t happen then so be it. I just challenge you to do it straight up.
You’re a bad, bad man. I know that. SCW Adrenaline Champion for seven months. I know what you have done and at Breakdown, I truly learn what you can do. Just watching someone wrestle isn’t the same as actually wrestling them. But yeah you’re a bad, bad man. You march to the beat of your own drum and you don’t give a damn about what anyone else thinks. I know when you’re in the mindset that you are willing to bend the rules in your favor. To some, like Bree, that may be seen as working smarter, not harder.
Well, Andrew I am telling you that there isn’t anything wrong with putting in that extra mile when it comes to hard work. I do it each and every time when I’m in the ring. Whether sane or insane, I have always worked harder than my opponents. That ain’t changing anytime soon, sunshine. If you want to bend the rules then not only are you cheating me, but you are cheating yourself, because deep down, I know you’re better than that. You may see it as winning it all costs and embracing the hate, but I think if we were to peel back the layers, it would boil down to the fact that you hate yourself.
You hate yourself because you struggled to achieve any real success in SCW until you decided to embrace the hate. You couldn’t pick up any traction so you bailed, and I am sure you were hard on yourself. I get that. I’ve been there myself. You think that being filled with hate, and cursing people out on Twitter, that it makes you a big somebody. But in the end, Andrew it just shows that you are shallow. You’re empty except for the rage that you brag so much about. Well, that rage…that hatred, I do not fear it.
I will fight you man to man. I will stand nose to nose with you. Can you honestly say you will do the same? Or are you too shallow to do it? That you want a win so bad that you will cheat your way to victory? If that is the route you are going to take Andrew then I hope you realize you are cheating yourself. You are selling you and your abilities short. I, on the other hand, won’t sell myself, or my abilities, short. I will not cheat the people, either.
So, at Breakdown, I am coming out there to show why I am a champion through and through. I am going out there to give the people one hell of a match, and I will come out there to show why I am one of the best wrestlers to ever perform in the SCW ring. You can bring Bree. You can bring Dustin. You can bring your hate. I’ve had more odds stacked against me and I have overcome them all. Breakdown will be no different.

I will show up to wrestle. I will show up to fight. If you want to embrace the hate then I will stand across from you, embracing the light, following a different path. You’re an obstacle and while you are an obstacle, while it will be an uphill climb, I’m not backing down.